Advanced All-Hands-On Botox & Fillers Training Program
Non-stop Hands On Training With Live Patients
Experience 30+ Patients Undergoing A Variety Of Treatments
To Schedule A Group Course, Call 858-550-9533

Inject on live patients doing procedures you want to master
while being mentored step-by-step through all-hands-on Botox & Filler training
with the best collaborative team in injectable facial therapeutics and esthetics.
Want more hands on experience with the inventor named on the patent for many of these techniques?
Dentox now offers two full days of procedures only for all providers that want more experience using injectables. Limited class sizes guarantee individualized attention directly from Dr. Katz, the inventor named on the patent application for Botulinum Toxins.. which include Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, etc (more about Dr. Katz). All attendees may bring 2 patients or will be matched up with at least 2 patients desiring multiple esthetic and/or therapeutic treatments. There is no didactic session. It is recommended that you participate in a live or online Dentox program before signing up for these two full days of procedures. Each case will be discussed before during and after treatment. By the end of the day you will experience at least 30 patients undergoing a variety of procedures.
Learn which materials and dilutions are best for particular indications. Reconstitute your own materials including neuromodulators and fillers. Perfect your needle and cannula techniques. Practice doing a variety of subdermal, intramuscular and supraperiosteal injections with one on one supervision.
Attend this intensive 2-day specialized hands-on Botox/Fillers course where you will:
• Learn full, partial or isolated facial esthetics, headaches, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)
• Learn how to avoid common communication, planning, diagnostic, overtreatment and under-treatment & maintenance pitfalls as they relate to the patients selected.
• Learn how to manage esthetic failures, side-effects and neuromuscular complications
• Didactics and case discussions focused on actual live patients being treated prior to treatment (Pre-requisite for course attendance is proof of completion of another Dentox Botox or Filler Program or similar program)
• Receive mentorship from world-class faculty & professionals
• Treat partial or full face esthetics with neuromodulators and fillers – you select the procedures you want to improve your competency
Perform any hands-on Botox/Filler procedures you have always wanted to learn under supervision including:
• Predictable full facial esthetics, mandibular jaw angle and symphysis profile enhancement
• Enhance cheekbones and orbital rim deficiencies
• Peri-oral soft tissue enhancement of nasiolabial folds, marionette lines, labio-mental folds
• Labial smile esthetics to match the face and dentition of your patients
• Bring your own patient or request we find patients desiring a particular procedure that you elect to perform (4 weeks advance notice required)
Commonly Requested Patient Procedures For Hands-On:
Some of the treatments commonly covered in this hands-on Botox training program
Lifting Corners Of The Mouth:
In many cases, drooping of the mouth corners is caused by contraction of the depressor anguli oris (DAO), one of a paired set of jaw muscles that runs just beside the corners of the mouth. These are the muscles that pull down the sides of the mouth during frowning. As you frown, you can feel these muscles at work as they tense and pull downward. In this hands-on class, you will get hands-on experience relaxing these muscles with Botox to reduce drooping at the mouth corners.
Lip drooping may have other causes, including aging. As we get older, our skin loses collagen and elastin, fibers that are vital in supporting the skin. While collagen provides the skin a firm texture, elastin gives it the tightness associated with youth. As we lose these things through aging, the skin becomes less structured, causing it to have a less defined shape. The result is sagging, and this means drooping at the corners of the mouth. In this case, restoring the youthfulness of these areas may require fillers that contain hyaluronic acid, including top brands Restylane and Juvederm – which are also taught hands-on.
Smoothing Of The Lips:
The natural reduction of skin collagen as we age means our skin is less elastic on the face – and everywhere else on the body. This means skin starts to sag, causing lips to seemingly disappear into the face and become wrinkled. Additionally, sun exposure harms the lips just as it does other skin. Spending too much time in the sun without protection and especially getting a sunburn speeds the breakdown of collagen, and the lips are one place where this shows up early and prominently. Lips are also weakened and thinned by a deficiency of B vitamins, especially B12. When hair is oily or lips are cracked, these are signs of B vitamins deficiencies that impact the long-term appearance of the lips.
This hands on Botox program gives you hands-on experience properly placing injections into the center part of the top lip – often called the Cupid’s bow – and relaxing the unaesthetic action of the orbicular oris muscle. This large muscle is responsible for puckering and curling the lip under. Botox injections allow the top lip to curl up slightly, making it appear larger and fuller. It’s just one of the ways you’ll learn about for improving lips during this hands-on Botox and dermal fillers training class.
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⇒ 16 Hours Continued Education Credits
⇒ Bring Staff Members Free. Dentox allows students to bring staff members as demo patients, so the staff gain this experience for free.
⇒ Patient Forms. Patient history, post op instruction & consent form templates are provided for your convenience.
⇒ Certification, and a listing in the Dentox-certified practitioner directory (exclusive to Dentox students)
What Students Have To Say About Dentox Courses
To Schedule A Group Course, Call 858-550-9533