Group Course Locations
Dr. Katz has been teaching Botox and Dermal Fillers to medical, dental and nurses associations, as well as study groups for over 30 years. His laurels include an instrumental role in the development of the application of Botulinum toxins in the face (he is named on the patent applications), and has collaborated with the giants of the aesthetics industry, including Allergan Medicis and Prollenium. He has lectured at AGD, NYU, NSU, and all over the world.. including Spain, Portugal Germany, Holland, South Africa, Israel and Saudi Arabia (more about Dr. Katz here)
To book Dr. Katz to teach your group, call (858) 550-9533
Dr. Katz offers comprehensive courses: Course 1 is Therapeutics and Comprehensive Facial Esthetics with Botulinum Neurotoxins. Course 2 (see bottom of page) is how to improve facial profiles (chins, cheekbones) as well as soft tissue esthetics (lips, nasiolabial folds, Marrionette lines). Course 3 is How to Legalize and manage a profitable Medical Spa.
2 options:
a) Injecting live patients – attendees should be licensed in the state where the course is taking place. Tuition $1695
b) Simulated faces and skins – for medical professionals not licensed at the location of course. Attendees can assess, diagnose and treatment plan live patients then inject on a simulated face and skin under one-on-one supervision. Attention will be given on dosage, needle angles and depth relative to patient types. Attendees can inject at a future live patient practical session in their state or at a location that will allow live injecting for no additional tuition fees. Call for details. Tuition $1295
These courses for medical professionals focuses on therapeutics and/or associated esthetics using Botulinim toxins (like Botox). Learn to limit unwarranted pericranial muscle spasm and clenching associated with migraine, TMD and depression without usingmuscle relaxants, tricyclic anti-depressant drugs or oral splints. You will also learn how to relax masticatory muscles that compress blood vessels and nerves implicated in the initiation and perpetuation of migraine and depression.
By the end of the programs, after comprehensive one-on-one training on your model patient, participants should be able to:
- Perform an efficient comprehensive patient evaluation for best esthetic and therapeutic outcomes
- Assess and consult with your patients for Botox and peri-oral dermal filler treatments
- Understand the indications and contraindications for these treatments and techniques
- Locate the ideal anatomical sites and injection depths as they relate to the pericranial anatomy of the head and neck
- Understand the physiology and pharmacology of facial injectibles
- Apply safety, risk and side-effects of botulinum toxin and dermal fillers injectable therapy
- Combine botulinum neurotoxin and dermal filler therapy with therapeutic and esthetic treatment plans
- Understand Botulinium toxin therapeutic treatment of migraine, depression, TMD, facial pain and parafunctional clenching cases
- Know when not to use Botox with bruxers
- lifting up the corners of the mouth for esthetics and to prevent cheilitis
- Smooth lip lines and eliminating vertical “smokers” lines – determining whether Botox or fillers are ideal
- Learn the best dilutions for the different anatomical structures that result in better facial esthetics
- Prevent and treat adverse reactions
- Experience live patient hands-on training including diagnosis, treatment planning, dosing and delivery of neurotoxin and dermal fillers
- sell, bill and be paid for these treatments
- Complete proper patient documentation and informed consent (see link – For your practice” on this page)
- Compare the differences in malpractice liability insurances and which to choose – this course helps you qualify
- Observe many model patients during the day
- recognize and treat different types of gummy smiles
- use Botox for myogenic diagnoses and as a pharmaceutical splint
- the beneficial effects of these therapies on facial esthetics
- Frame your cosmetic treatments with beautiful, youthful smiles and faces
- accelerate orthodontics and implant integration by controlling clenching
- accelerate wound healing and prevent scarring
Hone your skills when you give your first injectables under the supervision of the actual developers of these treatments. Your main instructor is Howard Katz DDS, the only educator in the USA and internationally included by the manufacturers of Botox and gel fillers in their patent applications and treatment protocols. He will look over your shoulders as you do these treatments for the first time. He probably has more experience than any other practicing medical professional in the techniques, nuances, legalities and education of using this material in your private office.
Cost of one-on-one tuition at program: $1695
Cost of Materials at program: Allergan prices 100 units for $600, 50 units for $305. TMD patients may require 100 units.
Also covered
1. The latest FDA approved Botox/Dysport/Xeomen treatments
2. How to sell these treatments and how to be paid, incl. by insurance
3. How to build your Botox and filler practice with ease.
4. How to make your patients raving fans – they will gladly refer you more patients
5. Correct charting to satisfy your insurance and the medical board.(It takes less than 30 seconds using our forms!)
9.00am – Lectures begin
- History
- Pharmacology and Physiology
- Medical applications and techniques including:
- Facial esthetics, excessive perspiration, headaches
- Office scripting for marketing
10.30am – Morning break
10.50am – Botulinum toxins
- Applications including TMD, clenching, aberrant oral forces, migraines, gummy smiles, excessive salivation, smile asymmetry
- Medical Boards and current legislation
- Adverse effects – diagnosis and management
- Information about consent forms
- Pre-and Post-treatment protocols
12.30 pm – Lunch Break.
1. 45pm – Patients and doctors to fill in consent forms
2.00pm – Practical Session
- Treatment of patients with hands-on assistance
- Observation of different patient types and treatments
- Questions and answers about treatments, doses and sites on a patient by patient basis
4.30pm – Course ends
- All attendees are supplied with treatment kits including, gloves, syringes, needles, and saline INCLUDED in the cost of the course. Please arrange for your patients to be there by there by 1.30 pm sharp
Patient Selection
Ideal patients are not hyper-allergenic and under the age of 65 who require therapeutic or esthetic treatments. They should not have skin infection or inflammation like herpes or acne.
Learn how to use injectible fillers ( like Restylane®, Juvaderm Ultra and Ultra Plus ®) to improve your cosmetic treatments, and Voluma® to improve the appearance of the skeletal profile of your patients. Learn to match the lips to the smile and esthetics of the individual patient.
New Botox-filler combination procedures that enhance and prolong chin and cheekbones build-ups are covered. The pharmacology and physiological mechanisms for all Botulinum toxins (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, Myoblock) and new anesthetic enhanced fillers (Juvederm, Restylane, Voluma) on the US market are reviewed. Real live patients will be presented and treated with the goal of helping the attendee become more comfortable in diagnosis and treatment.
This course is for any contemporary medical office of group which is interested in offering cosmetic procedures.
Participants will also learn how to eliminate nasiolabial folds, Marionette lines, smoker’s lines
Cost of program: $1695 excluding filler materials (sold at cost at meeting). All other necessary materials including local anesthetic and disposable syringes supplied by course organizers. Attendees may bring materials only with an invoice from the manufacturer.
Attendees are invite to bring their own local anesthetic syringes if they do not want to use a 5cc disposable syringe.
What you will learn:
- Ideal pre-treatment anesthesia –instant anesthesia with minimal local anesthetic. This is important in preventing inflammation and distortion of the tissues prior to injecting. Pre-treatment assessment becomes difficult if too much or the wrong anesthetic is used.
- Creating natural lips to match smiles.
- Learn how to correctly diagnose and visualize how you would like your patient to appear before treatment results in a perfect outcome
- Prevent bad technique that results in “clown”, “duck” or “fish lips”.
- Which materials to choose & avoid – which last the longest and cause the least adverse reactions
- Skeletal Soft tissue profile improvement – Class II patients lips appear to be Class I ; Class III appear to be Class I
- Correcting yours & others’ mistakes. Your new diagnostic skills will easily show you what should be done – correcting mistakes is easy when you know how the mistake was made.
- Which dermal filler products to use and which to avoid
- When and why to use dermal fillers that contain lidocaine powder
- How to prolong the life of dermal fillers by using Botox combination therapy
- Chins, lips and cheekbone sculpting to enhance your patients smile
Patient selection for the program:
Select patients who do not require major face-lifts. Your ideal patients are those that require minimal peri-oral improvement (lips, chins, marionette lines, labiomental folds, nasio-labial folds, class II profile correction, class III profile correction). The patients that need the treatment the least are your best patients.
8.30 Registration and continental breakfast
9.00 Course begins
- Facial anatomy as it relates to soft tissue
10.30 coffee break
10.45 Continue with injection techniques – anesthetic and fillers
- Filler Materials – type and selection for treatments
- Correcting mistakes – yours and other injectors
- Contra-indications
- Pre- and Post-operative instructions
- Individualized treatments for numerous patient types
- Befores, durings and afters – observe numerous techniques
12.30 Lunch break – a light lunch will be served
1.30 patient sign-in and consent forms
Your patients may not sit in on the meeting or the practical session in the afternoon. Attendees are less likely to have an unobstructed view of other patients being treated.
NOTE: all patients will be anesthetized intra-orally with injectible local anesthetic. Please inform your patients to expect oral numbness post-operatively with the associated limitations. Patients may also have post-operative inflammation that may last from a few hours to a few days.
4.00 Course Ends
Additional Costs:
Free Staff Member
Staff members can come as “demo patients” to the afternoon session. These patients will not be treated without a pre-existing condition that require Botox treatment. Should your demo-patient not require treatment we can still demonstrate potential sites on the face of this patient.
Additional Injectors and Staff
Additional medical professionals or team members who show up at the course will be charged appropriately.
Additional Costs
Additional materials supplied by pharmaceutical reps will be available at cost. All other necessary supplies are include in the tuition fees and will be provided for you at the course. You must also show proof of license and current malpractice insurance on registration or you will not be able to purchase materials. Course content and duration may be modified according to current state laws at the location.